Keep Getting Kicked Out of my Account or Surfing/Viewing Sessions

Sometimes members get kicked out of their accounts depending on what
browser they are using.  Our script was written for the Mozilla, Firefox browser.

 2nd Fix:

 Another reason for getting kicked out of your account may occur because
of a caching issue. Especially if you have been surfing several websites at a time.

To fix this, log out of all websites, clear the browser’s cache, delete any websites
you are not using, then, refresh the page of the website in question. Do not open
any website at the same time, we want to test the site you are having problems with
first. If there is no problem, you can proceed to open the rest of the websites if needed.

3rd Fix:

If that doesn’t work you probably need to change your browser settings for the
site specifically to allow INSECURE CONTENT to show.

 This is how you do that:

Put the Problem Website URL in the address bar of your browser.
Click on the icon to the left of the URL in the address bar.

Select Site Settings

Scroll down to "Insecure content." Change the Block to Allow

Go back to the tab where the Problem Website URL is, (it should
in the address bar), and refresh the page.

You should be able to surf now.

If you still are not able to surf, please contact us immediately.

Thank You.